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Style: Figure Drawing
Rendered: 7/24/2003
Medium: comp. charcoal on newsprint
Price Category: NA
Description: Two 25 minute sessions served as the long pose for this 1/2 day drawing session in New Orleans, LA.

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Client: Ron Vale (UCSF) J. of Cell Bio.
Published: Nov 27, 2000
Rockefeller Press, San Fran.
Medium: c4D, Photoshop, Molview
Price Category: D
Description: Graham created this illustration for the cover of the Journal of Cell Biology and to accompany an article written by Ron Vale. It illustrates conventional kinesin molecules walking along microtubule tracks to carry cargo-containing-vesicles towards the cell periphery.

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Client: Sandy Schmid, Traffic
Published: Fall, 1998
Munksaard, Denmark
Medium: colored pencil on board, Photoshop
Price Category: D
Description: Graham created this hand drawn illustration for the first cover of the new journal Traffic. Structures related to the magazine's contents climb out of the page in 3 dimensions to isolate them from the mire of other subjects represented by the 2D cell drawing.

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Client: University of Texas Cardiology
Published: 1998
Medium: Strata, Photoshop, Molview
Price Category: D
Description: Graham created a series of ligated protein renderings that the department chair had installed on the department walls.

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Client: Mathews and vanHolde
Published: Fall, 1999
Addison Wesley Longman, San Fran.
Medium: Strata, Photoshop, Molview
Price Category: D
Description: Graham created this illustration for the cover of the textbook "Biochemistry". It illustrates the hydrolysis of ATP to generate the energy helicase uses to split DNA and incorporates all of the various molecular rendering styles a student will encounter when studying biochemistry including ball-n-stick, space filling, surface, and ribbon.

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Client: David Lawrence/Accnts of Chem. Res.
Published: June, 2003
American Chemical Society
Medium: c4D, Photoshop, Molview
Price Category: D
Description: Graham recommended cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated breakdown of glycogen to serve as the quintessential example of cell signalling for this special issue of the journal. Graham combines known molecular sructures from the protein data base with 3D rendering and 2D painting techniques to describe the cellular interior with relatively accurate dimensions and approximate concentrations of involved proteins.

cell biology: editorial
cell biology:
. pedagogic
. editorial
. animation
. pedagogic
. editorial
. animation
general science:
. pedagogic
. editorial
. animation
textbooks entire:
. Pollard/Earnshaw
. Alberts et al.
. Mathews/vanHolde
. Aehlert
"fine" art:
. figure drawing
. still life
. abstract/doodles
As of 3/31, only the Cell Biology Editorial and animation and the Fine Art Figure Drawing portfolio are functional... more coming soon!